Sunday 25 August 2013

Grape Fruit Scrub

Grape Fruit Scrub

Grape fruit is packed with antioxidants. Jane Ann string tannins Hotel Majestic and Anthony Chaiya directory. The skin that dies to savor. Me to rest weary bodies back to the freshness. Body scrub is enriched with vitamin E cream. Which are vital in the fight against substance assuming the independent elastic skin firmer, brighter and also enriched grain walnut meat in it.

葡萄果实富含抗氧化剂。简安字符串丹宁Hotel Majestic酒店和安东尼·猜亚目录。皮肤死品尝。我休息疲惫的身体回的新鲜。富含维生素E软膏擦洗身体。物质假设独立的弹性肌肤更紧实,更明亮,也丰富了粮食核桃肉的打击是至关重要的

250g -USD 23.00

Price excluded delivery charges

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